How to Edit Email Templates

We offer you the standard set of templates for system-generated notification emails. You can edit the text in these templates as required, so the emails display your edited content.

Click on Marketing followed by Email Templates


  • Click on ic.png corresponding to the email template for which you want to edit the content and click Settings.
  • The email template content appears.
  • Edit the text as required.
  • Note: Do not edit the text or the system values inside the curly braces {}.
  • Click SAVE

The email template content appears.

The admin has an option to Enable CC by putting a tick mark across the check box under Enable CC.

If Enable CC is enabled, then cc will be enabled across the corresponding Email Template.

The admin can also add bcc mail id a copy of the email you are sending will also be sent to that

address, but no one receiving the email will be able to see the address in the BCC


Edit the text as required.

Note: Do not edit the text or the system values inside the curly braces {}.

Click on SAVE



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