- Valid Membership
Passing Args :
- Auth Key: Authorization key
- Name: Name of the user
- Email: Email id of the user
- Phone number: Phone number of the user
- All dynamic fields: All dynamic fields against a profile id with label & its value
- The authentication key shall be passed inside the header, and all other arguments will be passed in a JSON format in post method
Function: This API will send a payload to the Client API and check if the membership is valid with the provided information.
- On success: The response should be:
- The learner is a valid member i.e. the variable success is true and is_member variable need to be yes and need status as 200
- The learner is not a valid member i.e. variable success need to be true and is_member variable need to be no and need status as 200
- On fail: The response should be:
- variable success is false and needs status as 404