How to Configure footer Settings for the Application


  1. From the dashboard, click on Websites. 
  2. Select Website Customization.
  3. You will be taken to the Website customization page as shown below.chrome_XiTbobTVrR.png
  4. On scrolling down, you can see Footer Preview, Footer Controls, and Footer Address as shown below.9SY1h0FTP2.png
  5. Footer Preview: This is where the preview of the footer can be seen.
  6. Footer Controls: Here, you can adjust the Footer Background Color and Footer Text Color.
  7. Footer Address: This is where you can enter the address and other links that can be seen on the footer side.chrome_p4desVntei.png
  8. Once added, turn the Visibility status as Yes so that it will be visible on the home page.
  9. Once you have made the changes, click on Save.chrome_W93SDYQLDN.png Configured contact settings are visible on the home page as a footer that has the address and contact details of the organization.
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